Improvements don’t just happen. They require volunteers or more money than the club has available. An enormous amount was accomplished by volunteers on Saturday including the start of the pistol range shelter construction, range maintenance, mower maintenance, grass cutting, security, clubhouse housekeeping etc etc etc. If you enjoy the club and it’s facilities please consider volunteering whatever time you can give or making a donation. To save costs, everything that can be done at the club by volunteers is done by volunteers but more volunteers are needed. Our membership dues are low as compared to many and don’t cover all of the significant costs of maintaining and /or improving the club. Consider supporting the club with your time, donations or participating in the activities put on by the club. Every contribution of time or money helps.
Do you have the time and willingness to help us at any time that works for you? We are flexible and can work with the time you have available. Skilled and non-skilled labor is needed, and we are always looking for equipment, supplies, and of course, donations, to help us with some of the bigger projects.
If you are an operator and or can DONATE (we’ll pay for fuel) a short term loan of earth moving equipment, bucket truck etc and your time please contact us. Rentals and delivery are very expensive. Have the equipment but don’t have the time to run it? We have an experienced operator available. Call the clubhouse @ 610-944- 3116.
Please click here to fill out the Volunteer Form and keep an eye on the Calendar for the Club Work Dates.